Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Matching Your Makeup to Your Clothing - Is It A No Go?

Lately I've been concentrating a lot on my wardrobe, attempting to make myself look a little less sloppy than I have been in the past couple of years. I've bought things I never imagined I would wear, in colors I've never dared go near. I love wearing gray and black, which are great because you can do any makeup you want and it'll still work.

So yesterday I was faced with a dilemma that I never really thought about before. I was wearing a green argile sweater: bright green with light green diamonds on it. Somehow the idea of wearing Being True's Malachite and Serpentine shadows (which both matched the colors in my sweater perfectly) seemed like a good idea. A little bell inside my head rang, however, and I decided to go with a neutral eye.

Somewhere, some time in my life, I was told not to match my shadow to my clothing. But why? Who the hell made this up, and why did I listen? While it may be a little ridiculous to match EVERYTHING on your face to your clothing, is it really that bad to match your shadow to your shirt? If I wore my green shadows with my sweater, would I be arrested by the makeup police?

I'd like to think I know a great deal about everything beauty, but somehow I can't decide if this is right or not. What do you guys think? Do you match your shadows to your shirt? Your lipstick? How much is too much?

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