About FAB

Fatal Attraction Beauty believes it’s possible for all women to have looks that kill! I’m here to share the beloved tools, perfected techniques, and the best ways for readers to highlight their own finest assets!

Beauty blogs have become increasingly popular, and with just reason. Women are looking for the secrets makeup artists hold closest to their hearts, their favorite stars beloved products, and the key items to add to and optimize their daily beauty routines.

Fatal Attraction Beauty aspires to combine experience in the beauty industry working for Global Beauty Group, a cosmetic distributor, past trials and tribulations, and an eye for exceptional products that has been refined with great precision throughout the years. I want to share the names and brands that have made me feel and look my best.

Staying tuned with Fatal Attraction Beauty will help readers to find their own way to put their best face forward. I feel it is important to empower each other as women in a society that encourages jealousy and competition between each other. I love making other women feel confident with their appearances, and will do anything I can do to help them enhance their own natural beauty. I offer a listening ear to questions, requests and anything else you may need to get the looks you desire!

I am always looking for new and exciting product submissions to review and assess. Fatal Attraction Beauty wants to offer readers cosmetic, hair, nail and skin products and advice that will enhance their own knowledge of the beauty industry. I am VERY grateful for ALL submissions, and I’ll be sure to share everything I learn with my readers!

For product ideas, submissions or suggestions, please contact me at fatalattractionbeauty@yahoo.com.

Please follow me on Twitter: FABeautyBlog
Be a fan on Facebook: Fatal Attraction Beauty

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