One of the biggest complaints women have as skincare consumers is that they want their eye area to look better. Whether it be shedding themselves of wrinkles, making dark circles disappear, or draining puffiness around the eye contour area. The biggest giveaways of your age, no matter how old or young you are, is your eyes. Your eye area is the most sensitive and delicate skin on your entire body and face, reason being it’s so thin and you have little to no fat underneath that skin.
You can be as young as your teens when you first start showing signs of aging around your eyes, especially if you’re not careful when cleansing and don’t moisturize the area well. I’ll give you a couple of reasons you may start to see signs of aging around the eye area, and show you some ways you can stop or delay that process.

The hardest rule I ever gave myself is to never rub my eyes. Rubbing your eyes can do anything from breaking small blood vessels around the eye contour area (which leads to dark circles or broken veins) to breaking capillaries within your eye. The more you rub, the more you break down the skin around your eyes, which will make it harder for you to fix after the damage is already done.
Dry skin around the eyes is also a dangerous beauty predicament. Dehydrated skin around your eyes can advance the aging process and show wrinkles very early. Remember when I wrote about the dry patch on my eyelid, and told about how I had a double flap of skin over my eyelid? It’s not an uncommon problem for those who have dry skin in this area. Make it a habit of keeping your eye contour area moisturized and this won’t be a problem for you!
I think ladies as young as fifteen to sixteen should start using an eye cream. I’ve used anti-aging eye serums since I was seventeen years old, developing a deathly fear for crow’s feet and saggy eyelids at an early age. My eye cream when I was younger was Clinique’s All About Eyes, an inexpensive great eye treatment that kept my skin in great condition for years. I’ve always been prone to dark circles under my eyes, and this cream took care of that while adding brightness to my skin.
I started using an anti-aging product not too long ago, Payot’s Rides Relax Regard, a great serum that takes care of first signs of aging. I love how great my eye contour area has been looking since I’ve started using it, and I don’t want to change it until I find something better! It takes care of my usual dark circles, as well as keeping my lids in tip top shape. My skin around my eyes is tight and soft, well moisturized and handles all cosmetics well because of it.

I’ve heard great things about rollerball products, mostly because you don’t do damage when applying the product with your fingers. Most women add all skincare products to their faces using either their index or middle fingers. These fingers are too strong to apply and eye cream, and if using these two, it can actually damage the area as you apply (kind of redundant). The only finger that is weak enough to apply your eye cream without damaging that area is your ring finger. I apply my eye cream with my ring fingers every night.
Today you should concentrate on finding a great eye contour care product. If you don’t have an eye makeup remover, go to your local drugstore and purchase one- you will see a difference in the area right away. The best drugstore brands I know of are Pond’s and L’Oreal. Be consistent with removal, and use a soft cotton pad with your product.
Curious about the rollerball eye treatments? Pick up a Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller (only around $13). If you already have a trusty eye care product, start applying with your ring fingers to ensure yourself you won’t cause any additional damage!
Start treating your eyes well this week and you will see a huge difference by Christmas! Enjoy your Sunday and check back tomorrow for a very important step in Fatal Attraction Beauty’s 12 Days of Beauty!
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