Hope everyone had a GREAT Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday! I spent all of my money on Black Friday, so I wasn't able to take advantage of the great online deals I was sent from E.L.F. Cosmetics and Tarte Cosmetics (boo no money!). Somehow, even though Thanksgiving was last Thursday, I'm finding it impossible to believe that it's already the end of November. Unfortunately, my skin has been reminding me for quite some time...

I am making a conscious effort to use Vaseline's Cocoa Butter Deep Conditioning Lotion every day. This is a great cheap lotion that smells great and really leaves skin luminous! It doesn't leave your skin greasy or take long to seep into your skin, so you don't have to wait forever to get dressed after applying. This is my favorite all over body lotion to use, and is available at all drug stores so you can give it a try yourself!

The combination of these two flaws, along with freezing cold temperatures and wind lead me to the most horribly chapped lips for the majority of the winter. Lately I've been using a lip product before bed every night, Carmex's original stick balm. It's a great balm that doesn't have that 'medical balm' burn of menthol like most do. Best thing about it? When I wake up in the morning my lips still have the product on it. And if I have a slip up and chomp down on my lips during the day, this application of Carmex at night usually heals the damage that has been done.
Through all of the itching and flaking of winter, the thing that kills me about winter is the weird dry patches I get. Most recently, I've gotten a pretty bad dry patch on my left eyelid. What the hell...my eyelid? Worst part about it is I can't get it to go away! It's incredibly itchy and I've stopped using my eye gel because it burns when it hits that broken skin. I think I must have been scratching it while I sleep, because my eyelid was also slightly swollen.
What to do with this insatiable dry eyelid? The past three days I've been putting original Vaseline on the spot, thinking that's the only thing I've ever used for extremely dry patches everywhere else on my body. It's gotten so much better, and the swelling has gone down tremendously. I've also tried to leave all other irritants away from my eyes.
I feel the key to winterizing your skin is prevention before you start to get a problem. So slather on that lotion, moisturize your lips, and don't forget that the sun is still super strong in the winter, so SPF it up!